Center for Financial Security Speaker Menu

The Center for Financial Security is fortunate to affiliate with researches from a wide variety of disciplines across UW-Madison’s campus. These researchers are available to present on a number of different topics in the area of household finance.  Community groups, civic organizations, professional, and educational institutions are invited to browse our menu and request a speaker for your event. We prefer speakers to be requested at least four weeks out for the event, which will increase the likelihood of speaker availability. Speakers do not charge a fee for speaking, however, hosting groups should plan to cover/and or provide event space fee, audiovisual equipment, marketing and promotion, staffing for the event, and any necessary handout or printing charges.Please click here to fill out a Request Speaker Form.

Speaker: J. Michael Collins, Faculty Director of the Center for Financial Security
Presentation Title: “The Financial Lives of Economically Vulnerable Families”
Description: Dr. Collins explores current research demonstrating the volatile nature of families living in and on the edge of poverty. Collins’ presentation discusses the effects of this income and spending variability on family security, implications for policy and program design, and strategies for overcoming the cycle of instability.
Approximate Length: 45-60 minutes

Presentation Title: “Policy Choices: Social Security & Medicare”
Description: Dr. Collins explores the changing landscape of retirement planning and social programs.
Approximate Length: 45-60 minutes

Sarah Halpern-Meekin

Speaker: Sarah Halpern-Meekin, Associate Professor in Human Development and Family Studies
Presentation Title: “How Working Families Make Ends Meet in a Post-Welfare World”
Description: In the talk, Dr. Halpern-Meekin discusses how the basic financial supports from government for low-income workers have changed, with tax refunds–and the Earned Income Tax Credit in particular–coming to play an increasingly important role in boosting families’ bottom lines. She explains how families use their tax refunds and what the money means to them. This has implications for our tax policies, low-income families’ financial decision making, and savings and asset building initiatives.
Approximate Length: 45-60 minutes

Justin Sydnor

Speaker: Justin Sydnor, Associate Professor in Risk and Insurance, Wisconsin School of Business
Presentation Title: “Navigating Health Insurance Complexity”
Description: In this talk, Dr. Sydnor discusses the multifaceted issues that emerge with the growing “consumerism” of health insurance.
Approximate Length: 45-60 minutes

Speaker: Cliff Robb, Associate Professor in Consumer Finance and Personal Financial Planning
Presentation Title: “Investing and Saving for the Future”
Description: This talk by Dr. Robb will focus on investments, retirement planning, and saving for the future.
Approximate Length: 45-60 minutes

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